Schedule and Updates


Prototype v2.0


Prototype v3.0


Finalize Design

Q3 2014

Launch Kickstarter

November 2014


Q3 2015


Q4 2015

The above schedule is our intended target. Any changes will be relayed in the updates section

Recent Updates


Feb. 13, 2015, 12:18 p.m.

We found out this week that GoGlove has been accepted to Accelerate NH, a startup accelerator. This is a fantastic opportunity for us to grow our business by getting mentorship and resources we wouldn't otherwise have access to. We will be involved in their 3 month program starting in February, culminating in Demo Day at the end of May.

What does this mean for Kickstarter backers and their rewards? Not much, really. We will still be manufacturing and building the product on the same schedule, the accelerator will really help us refine our business plan and help us reach a wider market.

The program starts February 23rd, and we can't wait to start getting involved and start building our brand!

Feb. 4, 2015, 2:43 p.m.

UPDATE: If you missed the show live, or weren't in Canada, you can watch it online not. Simply click here and look for Episode 23 in the dropdown. Fast forward to 28:46 and you will get a live demo of GoGlove on the Discovery Channel!

Live in Canada? Great! You can watch coverage of GoGlove tonight on Discovery Channel. We will be featured on Daily Planet with hosts Ziya Tong and Dan Riskin, starting at 7pm EST. See details about the show here!

Feb. 3, 2015, 3:45 p.m.

Don't forget to stop by TechHub Boston's demo night tonight, GoGlove will be presenting! The event is free and held at Brooklyn Boulders in Somerville, MA. It will be a great night full of innovative products and people, so sign up and stop by.

Jan. 30, 2015, 8:54 p.m.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Ben is just having way too much fun at Snow Show...

Anyway. If you missed us in Denver, come see us in Boston on February 3rd, we will be at TechHub Boston's demo night. The event is free and held at Brooklyn Boulders in Somerville, MA. It will be a great night full of innovative products and people, so sign up and stop by.

Jan. 26, 2015, 9:26 a.m.

It's going to be a busy week! First, we received our next set of samples from the manufacturer. These have all the final design tweaks and are very close to what the final gloves will look like. We started building them out as part of our final manufacturing pilot run, and they are working great!

Later this week, we will be walking the floor and attending the SIA Snow Show. We will have giveaways and prizes, so find us out and about and you can get some free GoGlove swag.

Next Tuesday, February 3rd, you can catch us at TechHub Boston's demo night. The event is free and held at Brooklyn Boulders in Somerville, MA. It will be a great night full of innovative products and people, so sign up and stop by.

Finally, we are bracing for this giant blizzard headed our way. We hope we can get to the slopes and enjoy this snow, but may be trapped in our houses instead. Either way, we'll be sure to get some great GoGlove selfies in the snow!

Jan. 19, 2015, 8:51 p.m.

Our Kickstarter is long behind us and we are in the midst of getting GoGlove manufactured, but pre-orders can still be placed. Today we launched our own store right here on the website, so now you can order your gloves without ever leaving us! Head on over and check it out, we are still offering great deals and free shipping! Shop Now!

And if you missed us on CNBC's Power Pitch, view the article online!

Jan. 7, 2015, 10:45 a.m.

GoGlove will be on today's Power Pitch, which airs during Power Lunch at 1pm. Barring any major news events, you should see our segment around 1:20pm. Make sure to tune in to CNBC to catch it, or you can view the article online!

Don't forget you can still pre-order your gloves today on Megafounder!

Jan. 5, 2015, 9:20 p.m.

CES is this week in Las Vegas, and while we don't have a booth at the show, we will be around and showing off GoGlove. If you want to meet us at the show, send an email to [email protected] and we can try to schedule something.

Also, this Wednesday GoGlove will air on CNBC's Power Pitch. You can tune in at 1pm to see the show live, or check it out online afterwards.

Don't forget you can still pre-order your gloves today on Megafounder!

Dec. 19, 2014, 10:46 a.m.

As we ramp up our manufacturing, we also ramp up our marketing. Ben was down at the CNBC studios today filming for an upcoming episode of Power Pitch with Amanda Drury, anchor at CNBC and Nihal Mehta, partner at Eniac Ventures. It should air in a few weeks!

Don't forget you can still pre-order your gloves today on Megafounder!

Dec. 11, 2014, 4:41 p.m.

It has been an entire week since we have closed our Kickstarter campaign, amazing! Since then we have been meeting with our suppliers and planning for the first production run. We have also been busy with building our media presence, I will leave you this one picture and let you guess where you will see GoGlove next!

Don't forget you can still pre-order your gloves today on Megafounder!

Dec. 5, 2014, 10:01 p.m.

We are funded! It feels great to say that and we have spent the last 24 hours celebrating!

But now it's back to work! First, we switched our project over to Megafounder so we can continue to take pre-orders. We don't want anyone to miss out! So if you did miss our Kickstarter campaign, please jump on over and buy your pair today.

Second, we are ramping up our manufacturers and getting things ready for production. We will have lots of updates to follow and stories to share as we build your gloves.

Third, we are getting ready to start a marketing and PR blitz about GoGlove. You should see us pop up in some major magazines, online journals, and even on major news stations! So keep your eyes peeled and follow us on Twitter for all the latest.

Finally, we have one more thing to do now: take time to say Thank You to everyone who supported and backed us over the past year. It has been a bumpy and long road, and there is so much yet to come, but this is the perfect time to reflect and realize how amazing this has become, and it's all thanks to you! So Thank You!

Nov. 26, 2014, 1:46 p.m.

We are getting so close to funded on Kickstarter, 97% at the moment. Click on our campaign and back us now!

Nov. 18, 2014, 1:01 p.m.

We have been so super busy since we launched on Kickstarter, we can't believe it has only been 2 weeks so far! At this point, we are at 67% of our goal and have flown past our previous campaign total. We still have lots of ground to cover, but things started out so well!

This past week-end we were at the Boston Ski and Snowboard Expo. It was great to get out and meet so many great people and companies!

Snow has been falling here in New England and it seems every day a new resort is opening. We are planning to get out and hit the slopes this week-end. We will be giving away stickers and t-shirts to anyone who can find us on the mountains, so follow us on Twitter to try and catch up with us!

Nov. 9, 2014, 9:33 a.m.

Since we launched this past Tuesday, the team has been super busy trying to get the word out. We had a great event in Boston on Thursday night, then headed to New York City for Engadget Expand, a two day tech conference on Friday and Saturday. We had an amazing time, met some awesome people, and gave away free stuff.

Here are a few pictures from the event. As you can see, Ben just loves himself in front of the camera, he kept running to every possible interview he could find! You can see our booth too, we had a ton of traffic and had a great time showing off GoGlove to all the attendees.

Nov. 4, 2014, 10:27 a.m.

We are in for quite the busy week, but there will also be plenty of chances for you to come meet the team and get a live demo of GoGlove. Our schedule is below, so if you are around or online for any of these events, stop by and chat with us!

  • Tuesday, November 4th at 9:30pm: Live Kickstarter Launch Event Online! We will be taking your questions and showing off our new video for the first time. Link To Event
  • Thursday, November 6th at 6:30pm: TechHub Boston Demo Night at Harpoon Brewery in Boston. Details Here
  • Friday, November 7th 1pm-5pm and Saturday November 8th 10am-5pm: Engadget Expand at Javits Center in New York City. We will have a booth and plenty of GoGloves to show off and schwag to give away. Details Here

All of these events are free and open to anyone, so please sign up and stop by.

Nov. 3, 2014, 10:14 a.m.

The updates just keep on coming! As you can probably see from our new home page, we have introduced our new video. We couldn't be happier with the end result and want to send a special thanks to In the Car Media and Artisans Asylum for making this happen. Enjoy!

Oct. 31, 2014, 9:44 a.m.

We told you we had some good announcements coming! That's right GoGlove fans, you can now fully control your GoPro from GoGlove (fitting, right?). No second module necessary, you just hook your phone to the GoPro's Wifi network, as you would when you want to use the GoPro app, and you're all set. You can now capture video, snap pictures, change mode, and even turn the camera on/off to save battery, all in the magical GoGlove way. And to make things even easier, we will use text-to-speech to tell you what you have done, so no more guessing if your GoPro is taking video or if you really did snap that picture. It's the intuitive GoPro remote.

The best part, you can do it at the same time you are controlling your music or any other GoGlove feature. So no need to change anything if you want to snap a picture and crank your tunes, they are both just a click away. As far as we can tell, this is the first remote control for both your music and GoPro at the same time!

To spoil you even more, here is a small clip from our upcoming video to show off the feature using the stanalone remote. We can't wait to show you what else we have up our sleeves!

Oct. 27, 2014, 12:11 p.m.

That's right, we have officially started the countdown to our Kickstarter Launch! We should hit that large 'Go' button on November 5th at 12pm and bring GoGlove back to the public.

Check back frequently for many exciting announcements, as well as new product photos and videos, as we gear up for our launch!

Oct. 22, 2014, 2:27 p.m.

We have spent a lot of time showing the new gloves, so we wanted to give you a preview of the new case design. We wanted to produce a case that allowed you to extend all the great GoGlove functionality into every season, not just winter. So we came up with a sleek new design that allows you to simply unplug the module from GoGlove and clip it to a wristband, watch, shirt, keychain, or just about anything and carry your remote wherever you go. Now you can control your phone in every situation.

We have already prototyped and built several of these cases and will show you some updated images and videos shortly. In the meantime, we wanted to give you a glimpse of how the case will look and what goes inside. Stay tuned as we will be divulging more images and a few new secret features in the coming weeks.

Oct. 17, 2014, 3:24 p.m.

Mike has come on board to help finalize the mechanical aspects of GoGlove and get us ready for manufacturing and production. He brings over 10 years experience as a mechanical and systems engineer in the aerospace industry working on commercial and NASA spacecraft. Building the rest of GoGlove should be easy for him since, hey, it’s not rocket science.

Mike is an avid runner and is training up for his first marathon this fall. Here he is at a recent 10 miler rocking our colors and getting the name out!

Oct. 11, 2014, 1:21 p.m.

We just got our new batch of test gloves from the manufacturer, and they look great! The design and feel are very close to the final product, and we couldn't be happier with how they turned out. We can't wait to get these gloves back onto Kickstarter and onto your hands!

Keep checking back and make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook. We will be sending out updates and some surprise announcements in the next few weeks!

Sept. 11, 2014, 9:52 a.m.

Interested in working on a new wearable technology? Have a self-starter attitude and think you can help us get this product off the ground? Want to help build a product brand from the ground up?

If Yes, then check out our new Careers page and contact us, we would love to hear from you!

Aug. 25, 2014, 9:48 a.m.

Engadget Live was held in Boston this past Friday, and the team is still getting their voices back after talking for many hours straight! We had an absolutely fantastic time showing GoGlove and getting all your amazing feedback.

If you missed us this time, stay tuned as we are lining up shows in other cities over the next few months!

Aug. 20, 2014, 1:15 p.m.

We will be demo'ing GoGlove at Engadget Live in Boston this Friday, August 22. If you are in the area, please come by and check us out, tickets are free and you can sign up here.

Aug. 3, 2014, 11:52 a.m.

Kickstarter Backers,

We wanted to thank everyone for your amazing support and positive comments. Many of you have given us great feedback and truly helped us make GoGlove a great product. But we still have some work to do to get it on your hands! We will continue development of GoGlove and will come back to Kickstarter stronger than ever!

With the deadline behind us, we wanted to give you an update with our next steps. We had a great campaign and learned a lot. This was not a failure and actually a great step in our development process. Now we are so much better prepared to run a great campaign. The only difference is that we have to pull our bootstraps a little tighter and fund the development from our own pockets. We are going to push to keep our timelines and deliver this winter. Most likely, we will be back on Kickstarter in the late fall. Please back us again!

Our goal is to improve the look of the module design and we will have several samples. The next Kickstarter will show GoGlove with a much improved and finalized look.

Please sign up at the bottom of the page to get information as we progress, or follow our updates here.

Thanks again for all your support! See you soon,

Ben, Eric, and the GoGlove Team

July 30, 2014, 10:53 a.m.

By now, you have seen many ways that GoGlove can control more than just music. Today, we wanted to show how far we plan to take that in the future by moving beyond even smartphones. The picture below is taken by GoGlove from a GoPro, wirelessly. That's right, GoGlove is controlling GoPro and telling it when to take a picture. Imagine using this on the slopes or trails!

Making GoGlove work with GoPro requires some new hardware as the camera does not support Bluetooth. Instead, it uses Wifi for control. This requires a whole new board, here we are making it work with a Spark Core, which is a great Arduino clone with Wifi built in. Clearly this would not be the final design, there would be more work to convert this into our own board, pair it with a battery, and fit it into our case design.

This is all proof of concept at this point, we will not have GoPro support in the first iteration of GoGlove, but wanted to show you the possibilities. The Glove, however, will require no changes whatsoever, only the module will have to change. This means you can keep your glove and buy the Wifi remote from us down the line and use it to control your music, and your GoPro.

July 27, 2014, 8:14 a.m.

That's right, we have redesigned the case of GoGlove to be a standalone remote. It was quite obvious and simple when we stepped back and looked at it, just add more buttons to the top and it can have the same functionality as the glove.

We did this because we heard feedback from our backers that, while they love the glove, they also want something for warmer weather. While the GoBand would have worked as a wristband, it wasn't practical for other applications. So now, you can unplug the remote from your glove, and use it as a wristband, on your keychain, on a lanyard, or anywhere else. It makes GoGlove as flexible as possible.

We will be posting more details on the design in the coming days, stay tuned!

July 25, 2014, 11:36 a.m.

We have a big announcement coming this week-end. Sign up now on Kickstarter to be the first to find out!

July 23, 2014, 3:14 p.m.

We have been hard at work finalizing GoGlove, but decided to take a few minutes and make something fun for the kids. Eric had a homemade toy robot lying about from a previous project, and we thought, "Hey, we should be able to control it from GoGlove!". Why? Well, why not!

So, we grabbed an RFDuino and replaced the arduino and used the GoGlove API to start controlling the robot, or should I say GoBot. The index finger made it go/stop, the middle finger made it turn right and the ring finger made it turn left. The kids had a great time playing with it, even if the glove was a little big for a 3 year old.

Here's a little demo video to show the robot working. Enjoy!

July 14, 2014, 3:12 p.m.

We've had a pretty exciting first week on Kickstarter. We managed to reach 20% of our goal in the first 24 hours! We also had some great articles written about us in Venture Beat and Gizmag. And we have gotten some very positive feedback from our 180 backers and counting.

Despite all the work we are doing to get our Kickstarter campaign over 100%, we are still hard at work on GoGlove. Last week, Eric wrote a sample app to show how our API can be used to integrate with other apps. He showcases how GoGlove can be used to poll your phone for your speed/distance when out on the trails, or even read you your text messages! You can view the video here

We will continue to post some new pictures and videos of the inner workings this week. Stay tuned!

July 3, 2014, 11:29 p.m.

The Kickstarter page is live and accepting pre-orders. Head on over and pick up your GoGloves at up to 40% off now!

June 19, 2014, 3:35 p.m.

The last few months have been pretty exciting as we have been finalizing the prototypes, working with manufacturers and designers, and getting the product ready. We have two exciting pieces of news to share.

First, we are setting our Kickstarter launch date as July 4th, Independence Day. We could make some cheap pun about how we will be liberating you from the shackles of your smartphone screen and giving you independence and freedom from the hassles of listening to terrible music while you ski. But that would just be too obvious.

Second, and perhaps more exciting, we are launching a complimentary product to GoGlove. The idea is simple, we developed GoGlove in the winter and love what it did for us when on the mountain. As summer finally came (we live in New England, so trust us, we waited a long time this year), we got ourselves outside and moving, but wanted the same ability to control our phone (without running down the street with one glove, MJ style).

So introducing, GoBand. You can use the same control module from your GoGlove and place it into the band. It has extra large buttons on top to trigger the same functionality as the GoGlove. This was key for us as we have seen products with tiny little buttons that are very hard to hit when running.

GoGlove will be a stretch goal in the Kickstarter campaign. If we hit the certain amount, everyone who buys GoGlove will also get GoBand free of charge.

May 1, 2014, 3:35 p.m.

Welcome to our website! This is our first step in the long road before we can put this glove on your hand. We know you are anxious, and so are we. Over the next few weeks, we plan to ramp up our email gathering and support generation which should culminate in us launching the Kickstarter campaign. The ultimate goal is to ship the final product before Christmas of 2014. Keep track of the status above as we progress.

Please sign up at the bottom of this page to receive updates and milestones, don't worry, we won't spam you.


  • iOS 7+ (requires iPhone 4s or later, iPad 3 or later)
  • Android 4.4+ (requires BLE enabled device)
  • GoPro Hero 3/4 (requires smartphone connected to camera's Wifi)
  • Native Apps (iTunes, Google Play)
  • 3rd Party Apps (Pandora, Spotify, etc.)


  • Music: Play/Pause/Next Track/Previous Track
  • Volume: Up/Down/Mute
  • Phone: Home/Siri
  • Camera: Take Picture/Capture Video
  • GoPro: Turn On/Turn Off/Take Picture/Capture Video/Change Mode


  • Battery Life: Up to 6 months
  • Battery: 1 CR2032 (not included)
  • Bluetooth 4.0 LE
  • Glove Size: S, M, L
  • Case Dimensions: 1.7" x 1.3" x 0.6"

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